My Graduation Message to my fallow computer Engineers
Nsom Emmanuel's Graduation message to his failure Engineers

Defending my research thesis for the award of a Bachelor of engineering in computer engineering
am excited to have recently defended my thesis for the award of a Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) in Computer Engineering, and am ready to tackle new challenges in the IT industry. Its been a hectic experience but having to practice while studying made the process very interesting. it's been 4 years and have developed skills in various programming languages and software development frameworks. I excel in full-stack development. I've honed my skills in teamwork, project management, and client interaction, which has given me the confidence to take on any role in a software development team. If you're in search of a competent and enthusiastic software developer, let's connect! Whether it's developing software solutions from scratch or enhancing existing ones, I'm excited to prove my worth and contribute to your team.

Health: I finally made it to graduation
A description of how Nsom Emmanuel has managed over the pass years to make the decision to join in the tech world in spite of already existing targets