My Graduation Message to my fallow computer Engineers
Nsom Emmanuel's Graduation message to his failure Engineers

Defending my research thesis for the award of a Bachelor of engineering in computer engineering
am excited to have recently defended my thesis for the award of a Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) in Computer Engineering, and am ready to tackle new challenges in the IT industry. Its been a hectic experience but having to practice while studying made the process very interesting. it's been 4 years and have developed skills in various programming languages and software development frameworks. I excel in full-stack development. I've honed my skills in teamwork, project management, and client interaction, which has given me the confidence to take on any role in a software development team. If you're in search of a competent and enthusiastic software developer, let's connect! Whether it's developing software solutions from scratch or enhancing existing ones, I'm excited to prove my worth and contribute to your team.

My Passion of Tech in the health Industry
I grew up to realise that my passion was not only to use technology to use technology to solve problems in my community but much more specifically to solve problems in the health sector. Over the years I have worked to acquire knowledge in both the health field and the tech field making me the best fit for the purpose of bringing innovation with technology in the health industry for the betterment of man kind. I look forward to see where all these leads me and what impact I'll be able to make.

Partnerships are essential in businesses.
At the head quarters of tranzak, Douala Cameroon

Skye8 Training program
Here is one of the areas where Nsom Emmanuel got inspiration to organize a training program for teens on IT and financial education